Weizmann Institute of Science
English, Hebrew
Research Interests
We study intra- and intercellular RNA trafficking to better understand their role in the control of eukaryotic cellular physiology.
Selected Awards
1994 Alon Fellowship for Outstanding Young Faculty, Council for Higher Education, Israel
1994 Sir Charles Clore Prize for Scientific Excellence, Israel
2000 Picchione Visiting Scholar Award, Medical Research Foundation Dalhousie University, Canada
2005 Yamagiwa Yoshida Memorial UICC International Cancer Study Award, Geneva, Switzerland
2009 Besen-Brender Chair of Microbiology and Parasitology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
2018 Visiting Scientist Fellowship (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), U. Tuebingen, Germany
2022 Sanofi Innovation Award (iAward Europe), France
All rights reserved Postdoc Israel 2024
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