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Program Overview
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Armando and Maria Jinich Postdoctoral Fellowship
Program Overview

The Armando and Maria Jinich Fellowship was established by Armando Jinich of Mexico, a great supporter of Weizmann Institute and a Board member, to support postdoctoral fellows from Mexico.

Please find more details about the program on the fellowship’s website.
Specific for postdocs from Mexico in the Weizmann Institute.
Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship
Program Overview

The Azrieli Foundation offers 24 fellowships each year to outstanding postdoctoral students from all over the world. Fellows from all fields – exact and life sciences, social sciences and humanities – will receive funding for two years, with the potential to extend the scholarship for a third year on the basis of excellence.

Fellowships of 188,000 NIS per year are awarded to cover living and research expenses.
Combined Weizmann-Abroad Program for Advancing Women in Science
Program Overview

The Feinberg Graduate School of the Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS) is pleased to announce a postdoctoral fellowships program, combining research in a Weizmann Institute laboratory with a leading laboratory in another country. The program is designed to encourage progress towards an academic career, by offering opportunities for international research experience to excellent female PhD graduates who are unable to relocate for a conventional postdoc abroad. The hosting supervisors are expected to provide mentorship in projects that are initiated by the candidates, and aimed at their development as independent scientists.
The program will allow maximal flexibility in the division of the candidate’s time between the two host laboratories, and successful fellows will be free to modify their research plans and time commitments to each of the host laboratories according to the evolving needs of the project. Fellowships will be awarded on a competitive basis, and academic excellence will be the overriding consideration in choice of awardees.

Please find more details about the program on the fellowship’s website.
Specific for the Weizmann Institute.
Program Overview

EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships support excellent postdoctoral researchers throughout Europe and the world for a period of up to two years. The fellowship includes a salary or stipend, a relocation allowance and support for fellows with children. Awardees can attend an EMBO Laboratory Leadership course and become part of the global network of EMBO Fellows.

Please find more details on the fellowship’s website.
Fellowship by the Swiss Friends of WIS
Program Overview

Each year, the Swiss Association of Friends of the Weizmann Institute of Science supports a number of postdoctoral fellows from Switzerland, enabling them to come to the Institute. As a candidate for this fellowship, you may apply for acceptance in any field of research that is pursued at the Weizmann Institute of Science. The program provides an annual fellowship paid through the Weizmann institute of Science, and covers some of the participant’s relocation expenses. This fellowship replaces the regular WIS fellowship.

Please find more details about the program on the fellowship’s website.
Specific for postdocs from Switzerland in the Weizmann Institute.
Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship
Program Overview

The fellowship granted by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation with funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research enables researchers with above-average qualifications from Germany at all career levels and in all disciplines to conduct research with members of the Humboldt Network around the world.

For more details, please visit the fellowship’s website.
Available only for postdocs from Germany.
Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellowship
Program Overview

Fulbright Israel is looking for the brightest and most innovative scholars who aspire to research in Israel and join the Fulbright heritage. Grants are open to researchers in all academic disciplines and support research programs in Israel for up to 20 months (two academic years).

$95,000, for two years ($47,000 per year), reimbursement of airfare expenses (U.S. – Israel, under the Fly America act) for Fulbright fellows (and spouses), partial reimbursement of children’s education expenses and fees.
IDRF – Postdoctoral Fellowships
Program Overview

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation funds a variety of postdoctoral fellowships are designed to attract relatively early stage, qualified, promising scientists entering their professional career in the diabetes research field.

Please find more details on the fellowship’s website.
Only for postdocs in the diabetes research field.
Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Program in Brain Sciences
Program Overview

ELSC invites exceptional researchers with a PhD to join our flourishing ELSC community and participate in our outstanding research. This postdoctoral program reaches across several disciplines to provide the tools and skills for the theoretical and experimental study of the dynamics and computational capabilities of neural networks. Our goal is to develop new insights into the mechanisms underlying both brain function and dysfunction.

144,000 NIS per year.
Specific for the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Kreitman Postdoctoral Fellowships
Program Overview

The program’s goal is to enable postdoctoral specialization for those who have received a PhD degree during the previous five years.

61,704 NIS to 80,215 NIS per year.
Specific for Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
Ladislav Smejda Postdoctoral Fellowship
Program Overview
Ariel University is distributing this call for applications for a postdoctoral fellowship named after a close friend of the university, Prof. Ladislav Smejda, who promoted research collaborations between Ariel University and academia in the Czech Republic.
96,000 NIS per year.
Available only for postdocs from the Czech Republic at Ariel University.
Mandel Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities and Jewish Studies
Program Overview

The Mandel Fellowships are intended for scholars, from Israel and abroad, who have shown exceptional excellence, depth, and originality, and whose research may enrich academic and cultural discourse.

Mandel Scholars receive approximately 125,000 NIS per year in addition to a research budget.
Specific for the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Manfred Lahnstein Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in Haifa in 20th-Century German Studies
Program Overview

The Bucerius Institute at the University of Haifa is a vibrant research hub that attracts promising junior and senior scholars not only from Israel and Germany, but also from across Europe and North America. The institute was founded 20 years ago by a joint initiative of the German ZEIT-Stiftung and the University of Haifa. Since then, it has been promoting research on the contemporary history and social, cultural, and political reality of Germany, embracing a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds and methodologies, and engaging with the complexity of contemporary German history in a global age.

The Lahnstein Fellowship supports innovative research on 20th-century German history, culture, and society, including its evolving national boundaries, diasporas and exiles. We are especially interested in innovative transnational research that involves the Middle East. The fellowship is designed to cover a one-year research stay in Haifa.

90,000 NIS (together with office facilities) will be granted for one-year post-doctoral fellowship (lasting a minimum of 10 months).
Relevant only for postdocs at the University of Haifa.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF-EF)
Program Overview

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions fund excellent research and innovation and equip researchers at all stages of their career with new knowledge and skills, through mobility across borders and exposure to different sectors and disciplines. The MSCA help build Europe’s capacity for research and innovation by investing in the long-term careers of excellent researchers.

Please find more details about the different programs on the fellowship’s website.
Max Planck-Weizmann Joint Postdoctoral Program
Program Overview

MPG, based in Germany, and WIS, located in Israel, have joined forces to offer an exceptional postdoctoral program that promotes scientific collaboration and fosters interdisciplinary research. This program provides an outstanding opportunity for talented researchers to engage in cutting-edge projects, benefit from the expertise of two world-renowned institutions, and contribute to advancing knowledge in their respective fields. This collaborative program offers a comprehensive four-year position in a unique research environment.

Untaxed fellowship of 212,088 NIS annually for level 2 and 220,920 NIS annually for level 3 (The levels are based on the experience).
Specific for postdocs at the Weizmann Institute.
Minerva Fellowship
Program Overview

The Minerva Fellowship Programme (funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research) enables Israeli and German scientists to complete a research residency at institutions in the respective other country. Minerva Fellowships are not only intended to promote research but also to strengthen the cultural and scientific exchange between Germany and Israel. Younger scientists (graduates and post docs) get the possibility to further their scientific background while they conduct a research project at their host institution in Israel or Germany. Minerva Fellowships are granted to doctoral and post-doctoral researchers from all fields of research.

For more details, please visit the fellowship’s website.
Available only for postdoctoral researchers from Germany and Israel.
Pikovsky Valazzi Scholarship
Program Overview

This scholarship will be offered for research in the fields of applied electronics, biotechnology and applied physics, that could be potentially utilized in science based industries. 50% of the scholarship is provided by Pikovsky Valazzi Fund and the remaining sum is matched by the supervisor. The fellowship is offered for one academic year.

Please find more details on the fellowship’s website.
Specific for applied electronics, biotechnology and applied physics, at Tel Aviv University.
Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Research Center in Digital Humanities
Program Overview

The Research Center in Digital Humanities at the Hebrew University DH@HU seeks an excellent
candidate for a post-doctoral fellowship in digital humanities.
DH@HU is a leading interdisciplinary research institute focused on the development and application
of digital and computational approaches to the study of humanistic objects.

An annual scholarship of 120,000 NIS (appx. 30,000 euros or 32,000 US dollars).
Specific for the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Please open the link with Chrome.
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Tel Aviv University
Program Overview

The aim of the fellowship is to advance the fellow and to train them as a researcher, with the benefit of senior faculty members’ supervision, either in or out of academia.

The minimum amount for an Israeli fellow is a 100% scholarship (75,740 NIS per year / 6,297 NIS per month); and 150% for an international fellow (113,610 NIS per year / 9,452 NIS per month). The scholarship may be raised up to 225%.
Specific for Tel Aviv University.
Postdoctoral Research at the Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research
Program Overview

Every year, ​​​​​​​the Blaustein Center for Scientific Cooperation (BCSC) proudly awards 4 to 5 fellowships to exceptional postdoctoral scholars from all corners of the world. Our Blaustein Postdoctoral Fellows undertake fundamental and applied studies in various fields related to drylands, including desert ecology, solar energy, environmental physics, rainfed and irrigated agriculture, soil-plant-atmosphere interactions, hydrology, aquaculture, environmental microbiology, desalination and water treatment, and biotechnology.

The current value of a yearly BCSC fellowship is approximately $26,000 USD (paid in NIS).
Specific for Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
Sergio Lombroso Fellowships
Program Overview

The Sergio Lombroso Postdoctoral Fellowship Fund was established in memory of the late lawyer Sergio Lombroso, of Verona, Italy, whose generosity enables the Weizmann Institute to provide these funds in support of cancer research.

Please find more details on the fellowship’s website.
Specific for Italian citizens in the cancer research field at the Weizmann Institute.
Technion Scholarships for Postdoctorates and Academic Guests
Program Overview

The Technion offers its program of inviting academic visitors and postdoctoral fellows. The program is an important course in the research structure and content on campus. The number of stipends at our disposal is small, so each faculty may submit no more than two new candidates.

Please find more details on the fellowship’s website.
Specific for the Technion.
The Bloom Scholarship Program at the University of Haifa
Program Overview

The Bloom Graduate School will award 4 one-year scholarships to new postdoctoral students, beginning their training at the University of Haifa. The purpose of these scholarships is to enable postdoctoral students from all disciplines to devote most of their time to research and to create appropriate conditions that will enable them to complete the course within a normative period.

The scholarship of 96,000 NIS requires the student’s supervisor to add from his own sources a matching of 10,000 NIS, so that the total scholarship will amount to 106,000 NIS.
Specific for the University of Haifa.
The Dean of Faculty Fellowship of the Weizmann Institute
Program Overview

The Deans of the Faculties of the Weizmann Institute offer a limited number of fellowships to postdoctoral fellows. The level of support is either 50% or 100% of the regular fellowship and can continue for up to two years. In case the level of support is 50% – the remaining part is paid by the hosts funds.

Please find more details on the fellowship’s website.
Specific for the Weizmann Institute.
The Kaufmann Fellowship
Program Overview

For the last 29 years, Kauffman Fellows has accelerated the development and success of venture capital investors around the world, supporting Fellows in navigating every aspect of innovation investing, from deal flow to public markets. Each year, The Kaufmann Fellowship team recruit, build, and design the incoming cohort with diversity, and now the network is 9x more diverse than the industry average. The two-year program provides Fellows a structured curriculum, peer learning, forums, and networking all with a focus on becoming the best version of themselves and giving back as their responsibility as a leader in venture capital.

For more details, please visit the fellowship’s website.
The Lady Davis Fellowship
Program Overview

The Lady Davis Trust was established over 40 years ago to provide the opportunity for leading scientists and scholars, postdoctoral researchers and doctoral students from abroad, regardless of nationality, gender or field of scholarship to teach, study and participate in research in Israel at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and in the Technion in Haifa.

Please find more details on the fellowship’s website.
Specific for the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and for the Technion.
The Martin Buber Society of Fellows in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Program Overview

The Martin Buber Society of Fellows aims at fostering interdisciplinary academic discourse at the highest level among outstanding young scholars (postdoctoral). Candidates who have completed their PhD at an Israeli or German university, as well as citizens of Israel or Germany who have received their PhD in any country, are eligible to apply. Please open the link with Chrome.

Fellows receive a monthly stipend of approximately 9000 NIS for up to 4 years.
Specific for the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
The Martin Kushner Schnur Postdoctoral Fellowship
Program Overview

The Martin Kushner Schnur Postdoctoral Fellowship was established by Martin Kushner Schnur of Mexico, a great supporter of the Weizmann Institute and a Board member, to support postdocs from Mexico. Candidates may apply for this fellowship in any field of research at the Weizmann Institute of Science.

Please find more details about the program on the fellowship’s website.
Specific for postdocs from Mexico in the Weizmann Institute.
The Paulo Pinheiro de Andrade Fellowship
Program Overview

The Paulo Pinheiro de Andrade Fellowship was established by Marcos Pinheiro de Andrade and Vanessa Buchheim of Brazil, a great supporters of Weizmann Institute to support postdocs from Brazil.
Candidates may apply for this fellowship in any field of research at the Weizmann Institute of Science.

Please find more details about the program on the fellowship’s website.
Specific for postdocs from Brazil at the Weizmann Institute.
The Polonsky Academy – The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
Program Overview

Seven postdoctoral fellowships are awarded every year. The research must be in the fields of humanities or social sciences.

An annual stipend of $40,000 and $2,000 for research and related expenses.
The fellowship must take place at the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem.
The Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Weizmann Institute
Program Overview

The Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship is an excellence-based career development program to prepare outstanding fellows for independent research leader positions. Full details on this program are available on the FGS website.
Postdoctoral fellows currently at the Weizmann Institute may apply to transfer to senior postdoctoral fellowship status after 2-3 years of regular postdoctoral training.

Please find more details about the program on the fellowship’s website
Specific for the Weizmann Institute.
The Vaadia-BARD Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Program Overview

The primary objective of the BARD Postdoctoral Fellowship is to enable young scientists to acquire new skills and techniques while becoming professionally established in the agricultural research community. The program promotes cooperative agricultural research between postdoctoral fellows from one country (the United States or Israel) and senior scientists from the other.

$64,000 including travel expenses.
The research field must be related to agriculture.
The Zuckerman STEM Leadership Program
Program Overview

The Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholars Program attracts high-achieving postdoctoral researchers from premier universities in the United States and Canada to do research at one of four Israeli universities. Once they complete their research, many Zuckerman postdocs are expected to accept faculty positions at top North American universities, weaving a network of academic collaboration and goodwill that will greatly benefit U.S.-Israeli scientific cooperation. In addition, Zuckerman scholars enjoy programming and activities specially organized for them by the host universities, such as sightseeing tours, educational experiences, and social programs.

Postdoctoral scholars receive a scholarship of $63,000 per academic year for up to two years.
Available for postdoctoral researchers from the USA and Canada.
Weizmann-IDOR Pioneer Science Fellowships
Program Overview

The Weizmann-IDOR Pioneer Science Fellowships Program was established by the Pioneer Science initiative and the D’Or Institute for Research and Education (IDOR) – a non-profit institution focused on science, education, and innovation in healthcare – with the aim of supporting talented Brazilian postdoctoral fellows at the Weizmann Institute of Science.

This program provides a three-year fellowship. Please note that acceptance to the program depends on approval by the Feinberg Graduate School; acceptance by a host research lab at Weizmann Institute; and academic achievements.

For more details, please visit the fellowship’s website.
Only for Brazilian citizens or residents at the Weizmann Institute.
Yad Vashem’s International Institute for Holocaust Research Fellowship
Program Overview

In light of increased international interest in the Shoah, and the desire to encourage and support worldwide scholarly research on the Shoah and related topics, Yad Vashem established the International Institute for Holocaust Research in 1993. The Institute actively develops and coordinates international research; plans and engages in scholarly projects; organizes symposia, conferences, and seminars; fosters cooperative projects among research institutions; provides financial and academic support for scholars and students of the Shoah; offering PhD and postdoctoral fellowships; and publishes academic research, documentation, conference anthologies, diaries, memoirs, and albums about the Shoah. Remote fellowships with access to the Yad Vashem Archives will be considered.

Stipends for researchers from abroad are 15,000 NIS per month. The monthly stipendium offsets the cost of travel to/from Israel, housing, and other expenses during one’s fellowship.
The research field must be related to the Holocaust.
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