Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Research Interests
Common human diseases affect hundreds of millions of people around the globe and their incidence and prevalence are rapidly growing. The mechanisms underlying the vast majority of these diseases are still unknown. My view of the problem is considerably different from the general perception in the field. Utilizing a new genomic methodology, we are test the new theory in disease models including several types of diabetes and cancer. My research team incorporating outstanding bioinformatic and molecular biology researchers.
Selected Awards
ERC Proof of Concept Lump Sum Grant 2023. Listening to Silence: The First Blood Test for Risk of Individuals at Prophylactic Time Windows to Develop Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Israel Precision Medicine Program (IPMP). Developing a practical test for evaluating the risk to develop Type-2 diabetes, based on DNA methylation signatures at key regulatory elements in peripheral whole blood.
ERC Consolidators 2016. Elucidating the Role of Enhancer Methylation Variation in Cancer and Developing Enhancer-based Markers and Targets for Precision Medicine.
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