Weizmann Institute of Science
English, Hebrew
Research Interests
My research is focused on the functions performed by the prefrontal cortex, a neocortical region involved in high-level cognitive processes such as working memory and regulation of motivational and emotional states. A parallel line of research in the lab deals with the development of new optogenetic tools. Our projects intertwine the development of new tools with their implementation to address basic neuroscience questions. We have recently found that a family of bi-stable rhodopsin proteins that couple to the Gi/o signaling pathway is capable of effectively silencing presynaptic transmission
Selected Awards
2022 Elected member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
2019 Levinson Prize, awarded by the Weizmann Institute of Science Scientific Council
2019 Sir Bernard Katz Prize (Heidelberg, Germany)
2018 Adelis Foundation Brain Research Award (Haifa, Israel)
2018 ERC Consolidator Grant
2013 Career Development Award, Human Frontier Science Program
2013 ERC Starting Grant
All rights reserved Postdoc Israel 2025
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