Tel Aviv University
English, Hebrew
Research Interests
I’m an ecologist focusing the on behavioral and movement ecology of terrestrial birds and mammals. In my lab we explore the socio-ecological factors that affect animal movements, their patterns, and their consequences – in particular the role of individual variation. Many of the projects in my lab use quantitative tools and data-science approaches to study the evolutionary aspects (e.g. host-parasite interactions and individual fitness), ecological aspects (e.g., population dynamics and species coexistence), and applied aspects (conservation, management) of movement.
Selected Awards
Koret-Berkeley-TAU (KBT) Initiative in Computational Biology (W/ Toledo & Getz)
2021- Israeli Nature Protection Authority
2020- Israeli Science Foundation (ISF) personal grant
2020- Data Science center (W/ Sivan Toledo)
2020- NSF-BSF IOS division (W/ Pinter-Wollman)
All rights reserved Postdoc Israel 2025
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