Bar-Ilan University
English, Hebrew
Research Interests
My lab studies the neural systems that support language processing in humans. We use brain imaging methods (primarily diffusion MRI) to identify and quantify the white matter pathways in the language system of neurotypicals and clinical populations. We use psycholinguistic methods to assess language processing, such as sensitivity to word structure, speech fluency, reading skills and more. By measuring the associations between neurobiological and cognitive measures we generate knowledge about the neural pathways underlying specific language processes in neurotypical and clinical populations.
Selected Awards
Israel Science Foundation, Cerebral and cerebellar white matter pathways controlling speech rate in adults who stutter (2017-2021).
Rector’s Prize for Scientific Innovation, Bar Ilan University (2018).
Binational Science Foundation Israel-US, Brain systems for letter localization in reading (2012-2016).
Israel Science Foundation, Language and motor pathways in adult stuttering (2011-2015).
Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant, The development of neural systems for language processing (2008-2012).
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