Passports and stamp

Postdoctoral Visas in Israel: An Overview

After receiving a letter of acceptance for a postdoctoral position in one of Israel’s academic institutions, obtaining the relevant Israeli visa is a priority. The most common visa for international postdocs is an A/2 student visa. 

Keep in mind that visa information is subject to change; contact the visa coordinator at the relevant university where you will be researching for updated regulations and instructions. 

The visa coordinators in Israeli universities are listed below.

In exceptional cases, you may be advised by your university’s visa coordinator to arrive on a different visa, including a B/1 work visa. Partners and children of postdocs will need to obtain an A/4 partner and children visa; however, partners can now apply for a B/1 work visa if they so wish. Your specific academic institution can guide you through the process.

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Passports and stamp
Photo credit: Pixabay

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