Frenkel Pinter
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
English, Hebrew
Research Interests
Chemical evolution, origins of life, chemical complexity
Selected Awards
2023 – Stanley L. Miller Early-Career Research Award
2022 – FEBS Excellence Award (given annually to 8-10 early-career PIs).
2021 – Azrieli Early Career Faculty Fellowship
2018 – The TAU President’s Women postdoctoral fellowship for Advancing Women in Science (awarded annually to 5 postdocs).
2018 – Selected talk at the “Origins of Life” Gordon Research Conference (GRC) award.
2017 – NASA Astrobiology Postdoctoral Program Fellowship (awarded annually to 10 postdocs in the US for two years).
2012 – National Eshkol PhD Fellowship (awarded annually to 10 Israeli PhD students for 3 years).
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