Manfred Lahnstein Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in Haifa in 20th-Century German Studies

The Bucerius Institute at the University of Haifa is a vibrant research hub that attracts promising junior and senior scholars not only from Israel and Germany, but also from across Europe and North America. The institute was founded 20 years ago by a joint initiative of the German ZEIT-Stiftung and the University of Haifa. Since then, it has been promoting research on the contemporary history and social, cultural, and political reality of Germany, embracing a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds and methodologies, and engaging with the complexity of contemporary German history in a global age.

The Lahnstein Fellowship supports innovative research on 20th-century German history, culture, and society, including its evolving national boundaries, diasporas and exiles. We are especially interested in innovative transnational research that involves the Middle East. The fellowship is designed to cover a one-year research stay in Haifa.

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