Tel Aviv University
Arabic, English, Hebrew, Italian
Research Interests
Ashkenazi is an experimental particle physicist, studying the properties of the neutrinos. Out of all particles, neutrinos hold a great mystery. Unlike others, many of their properties are still unknown and the known ones, are very hard to explain.

All existing experiments are detecting neutrinos via observation of neutrino-nucleus interactions. Ashkenazi’s research plan is focused on estimating the impact of nuclear effects.
Ashkenazi is an active member of MicroBooNE and DUNE, a spokesperson of a dedicated electron scattering experiment at JLAB, and a Monte Carlo developer. 
Selected Awards
The IUPAP C11 Early Career Scientist Award.
The Guido Altarelli Award
Alon scholarship
ERC starting grant
Tollestrup award for postdoctoral research
All rights reserved Postdoc Israel 2025
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