Hebrew University of Jerusalem
English, Hebrew
Research Interests
The Citri lab is a systems neuroscience lab, in which projects are currently developing within two distinct streams:
1. Deciphering the organization, physiology and functions of the claustrum, a mysterious brain region implicated in cognitive control of processes such as attention and impulse control, relevant to addiction and other disorders.
2. Defining the role of molecular and cellular circuits in the striatum in the development of stereotypic behaviors, relevant to consumption of drugs of abuse and neurological disorders
Selected Awards
2020 Prusiner-Abramsky Research Award in Neuroscience
2019- Fellow of the CIFAR CBD program
2018 ERC CoG (European Research Council Consolidator Grant)
2016 Azrieli Global Scholar – CIFAR
2015 Adelis Prize in Neuroscience
2013 NARSAD (Brain and Behavior) Young Investigator Award
2012 Sieratzki-Korczyn Prize for Advances in Neuroscience
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