Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
English, Hebrew
Research Interests
Data Integration is probably the most important task in data science nowadays. With the enormous amount of data sources, designed autonomously, there is no deterministic way to connect data effectively. Therefore, models of uncertainty, combined with advanced machine learning are put to use when generating accurate connections among data items in multiple data sources over the network. In recent years, my research groups has focused on the role of humans in performing data integration.
Selected Awards
2019 JPMorgan Faculty Award
2018 Test of Time Award for the paper “Complex Event Processing Over Uncertain Data” at DEBS’2018.
2018 Accenture Research Award
2018 TPADS (Technion Poalim Data Science) research center Award
2017 Best Paper Award for the paper “Temporal Network Representation of Event Logs for Improved Performance Modelling in Business Processes” at BPM’2017
2014 ICAPS 2014 Honorable Mention for the Outstanding Paper Award for the paper “Goal Recognition Design”
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