Hebrew University of Jerusalem
English, Hebrew
Research Interests
food security, climate change impacts and agricultural adaptation, structural changes in agriculture, farm policy, intergenerational mobility, pensions and retirement, farm household employment and income, solar farming
Selected Awards
Israel Ministry of Agriculture, “Income Sources and Income Distribution of Agricultural and Rural Households in Israel”, NIS 300,000 (2023-2025).

Noga – The Israel Independent System Operator Ltd, “Governing the Tension Between Solar Farms, Agricultural Land Use and Electricity Infrastructure”, NIS 444,700 (2022-2025).

Volkswagen Foundation, “Competition, Market Participation and Farmer Welfare: Theory and Evidence from India”, €299,800 (2022-2025).

Israeli Dairy Board, “Climate Change and Heat Stress on Israeli Dairy Farms”, NIS 120,000 (2022-2024)
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