Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Research Interests
Many animals use highly reflective organic crystals to manipulate light in coloration and vision. Organisms exert exquisite control over the crystal morphology, arrangement and polymorph. Our lab, which sits at the interface between chemistry, optics and cell biology aims to uncover these ‘bio-crystallization tricks’. We have two main research directions: (i) elucidating the mechanisms of biological crystallization and (ii) the discovery and characterization of new organic bio-crystals. We use a raft of techniques to explore these problems including cryo-EM, optical microscopy and diffraction.
Selected Awards
2022: Toronto Prize for Research Excellence, Ben-Gurion University.
2022: HFSP Research Grant.
2020: ERC Starting Grant.
2019: Azrieli Faculty Fellowship.
2019: ‘Nahum Guzik’ Assistant Professor Chair.
2015: Human Frontiers Science Program Cross-Disciplinary Fellowship.
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