Tel Aviv University
Research Interests
My research objective is to design and apply theoretical and practical models to explore the phenomena of epidemics. My primary research focus is on infectious disease modeling, where I seek to inform and provide tools for public health decision-makers using complex system models and data-driven models. Research questions address questions for early detection and improved diagnoses using personalized medicine, optimization, cost-effectiveness evaluation of new technologies, and approaches for testing intervention programs in communities and hospitals.
Selected Awards
The European Commission Council (ERC) starting grant “Re-defining the term incubation period – focusing on respiratory infections” (Euro 2,000,000)

The Israeli Science Foundation (ISF) “Big data integration for personalized diagnosis of infectious diseases: Group A Streptococcus Pharyngitis and Influenza” with co-PI prof. Erez Shmueli research (NIS 5,000,000)

The Israeli Innovation Authority- Kamin “National Surveillance system for infectious disease modeling and monitoring”. With Co-PI prof. Irad Ben-Gal. (NIS 444,000)
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