Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
English, Hebrew
Research Interests
My research group explores the properties and utility of new materials for renewable energy utilization. We make photovoltaic materials and devices and study their electronic and chemical defect formation and self-healing properties. We study electrocatalytic materials for carbon dioxide capture and utilization. We study assemblies that combine photovoltaic and electrocatalytic materials to make artificial photosynthetic units.
Selected Awards
Research grants (main):
ISF Personal Research Grant 2020-2024
ISF New faculty equipment grant 2020
PAZY Foundation 2021-2025
MOST India-Israel 2021-2023
BMBF-MOST Joint German Israeli Water Technology Research Program 2021-2024

Personal Awards:
2023 Toronto Prize for Excellence in Research
2018 Research Achievements Appreciation Award
2018 Alon Fellowship
2016 Energy and Water Resources Post-Doctoral Fellowship
2016 Career Development Award
2015 Career Development Award
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