Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Chinese, English, Hebrew
Research Interests
Prof. Gideon Shelach-Lavi is an archaeologist who’s research focuses on China and Mongolia. He published ten books and more than 70 papers in leading international journals (e.g. Science, PNAS, Current Anthropology), leading archaeological journals and edited volumes. He is internationally recognized for his contribution to the understanding of fundamental process such as the transition from hunter-gatherer to sedentary-agricultural societies, the development of complex societies, and the reaction of human societies to climatic and ecologic changes.
Selected Awards
EMET Prize for excellence in academic and professional achievements (in the field of Archaeology) 2022.

2020-2025. ERC Advanced Grant “The Wall: People and Ecology in Medieval Mongolia and China” (proposal no. 882894)
All rights reserved Postdoc Israel 2025
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