Ariel University
English, French, Hebrew
Research Interests
I am an architect, researcher and educator, with the present position of a lecturer in the School of Architecture, Ariel University. My research interests focus on the ways new media (e.g. virtual reality systems) are used as educational places. I study student-tutor interaction, design cognition, visual and verbal communication during learning processes.
Selected Awards
2022. The West Creative Industries mobility grant. France.
2022. The West Creative Industries International Strategy scholarship for postdoctoral researchers 2021-2023. France. 91,200€
2020. The Schragenheim prize. Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, IIT
2017. The Jacobs scholarship
2016. The Gutwirth scholarship
2016. Best conference presentation award. 18th International Conference on Spatial Cognition, Miami, USA
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