Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Research Interests
The Goshen Lab investigates neurons and astrocytes in high brain function.
What underlies the transition from recent to remote memory? How is reward represented in the brain? How does local modulation of neuronal activity by glia cells directly affect plasticity and behavior?

To solve such puzzles we employ a variety of research approaches, integrating behavior, calcium imaging, electrophysiology and molecular biology, and apply optogenetics or chemogenetics in all of these levels.
Selected Awards
2023 ERC-CoG.
2022 Rector Prize for Excellence in Research
2018 ERC-StG.
2018 FENS-Kavli Netwrok of Excellence (FKNE) Scholar
2018 ISF and CIHR
2018 Israel Science Foundation
2015 Milton Rosenbaum foundation.
2014 NARSAD Young Investigator Award
2013 Israel Science Foundation
2013 iCORE Centers of Excellence.
2013 Alon fellowship
2013 Golda Meir Fellowship Lectureship award
2013 Abisch-Frenkel Foundation.
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