Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
English, Russian
Research Interests
I am the head of the Accelerated Computing Systems Lab.

We use bleeding-edge hardware to build new easy-to-program high performance systems with strong security. Projects include new operating systems for GPUs, FPGAs and SmartNICs, data-center scale OS, defenses against hardware side channels and speculative execution attacks, new runtimes for secure processors, distributed programs on programmable switches and accelerated machine learning. Our research results were partially adopted by NVIDIA, Mellanox and Intel. All our software is open.
Selected Awards
IEEE Micro TopPicks’23
IEEE Micro TopPicks’23 honorable mention
First Prize Winner, Cyber Security Awareness Worldwide (CSAW’20)
EuroSys Jochen Liedtke Young Researcher Award’20
IEEE Micro TopPicks’19
All rights reserved Postdoc Israel 2024
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