Weizmann Institute of Science
English, Hebrew
Research Interests
During the last decade, biology has gone through a technology-driven revolution with the emergence of high-throughput methods. Yeast has been an excellent model organism for these efforts, allowing the collection of large amounts of systematic data. However, there remains a huge gap between the amount of data generated and its ability to put forward high quality predictions that can be followed up to obtain true mechanistic understanding of cellular functions. Our lab aims to bridge the gap by using high throughput methods to solve fundamental questions in cell biology.
Selected Awards
2023 FEBS Bucher medal
2022 Ira Herskowitz Award for leading yeast geneticist
2020 Elected TUM Ambassador
2020 Elected member of the German Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina
2019 Jean Vance prize for breakthroughs in Contact Site research
2017 Appointed as a TUM-IAS Hans Fischer Senior Fellow
2017 Elected member of EMBO
2017 EMBO Gold Medal
2017 FEBS National Prize
2015 Hewson Swift lecturer, University of Chicago
2015 FEBS Anniversary Prize
2014 Weizmann Institute of Science Scientific council Prize
All rights reserved Postdoc Israel 2024
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