Weizmann Institute of Science
English, Hebrew, Russian
Research Interests
We aim to elucidate the neural basis of natural behaviors in the mammalian hippocampal formation, focusing on two themes: (1) Spatial behaviors: navigation, spatial cognition, and spatial learning & memory; and (2) Social behaviors: including social memory. We use bats – as a novel animal model that we pioneered. We develop tiny wireless-electrophysiology systems, which enable recording from the bat’s brain during natural behaviors, including flight, navigation, and social interactions. Our vision is to develop a “Natural Neuroscience” approach for studying the the brain.
Selected Awards
2022 Elected as International Honorary Member – American Academy of Arts and Sciences
2022 Bruno Memorial Award – Israel Institute for Advanced Studies.
2019 Special Lecture (Keynote) – Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Annual Meeting.
2019 Norbert Elsner Lecture, Göttingen Meeting of German Neuroscience Society.
2018 Kimmel Award for Innovative Investigation
2016 ERC consolidator grant
2015 SfN Young Investigator Award – Society for Neuroscience
2012 Bernard Katz Prize in Neuroscience– Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
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