Hebrew University of Jerusalem
English, French, Hebrew
Research Interests
Our goal is to reach a quantitative understanding of single cells in order to predict their evolution and response to treatment. We use and develop quantitative tools including microfluidics, quantitative microscopy and big data science. Our work includes also close collaborations with medical doctors and should have direct consequences for improving antibiotic treatments as well as anti-cancer drugs regimens. We recently received an Advanced ERC grant for max funding of a 4 years post-doctoral position.
Selected Awards
2022 European Research Council Advanced Grant
2021 Elected EMBO Member.
2018 Elected Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology.
2016 Klachky Prize for the Advancement of the Frontiers of Science
2016 Elected Member, European Academy of Microbiology.
2015 European Research Council Consolidator Grant
2011 Joseph and Sadie Danciger Chair in Physics
2010 European Research Council Starting Grant
2010 Breakthrough Scientist award, Ministry of Education, Israel.
2009 Krill Prize Wolf Foundation
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