Weizmann Institute of Science
English, Hebrew
Research Interests
Our pioneering work centers on the communication mechanisms of the parasite through the secretion of extracellular vesicles (EVs) and their contents, which comprise an array of bioactive molecules, such as proteins, lipids, glycans, RNA, and DNA. This is a relatively new area of malaria research and only little is currently known about EV cargo delivery as well as functions, in particularly in mediating pathogen-host interaction. By delving into the cellular mechanisms that the parasites employ, we unlocked the mystery of how they communicate with their two different host systems.
Selected Awards
2022 ERC Grant Consolidator
2021 Weizmann Scientific Council Prize for scientific achievements.
2019 Krill prize (Wolf foundation) for excellence in scientific research
2013 ERC Grant Starting
2012 NHMRC, Australia
2012 Australian Research Council, Post Doctorate Fellowship
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