Hebrew University of Jerusalem
English, Hebrew
Research Interests
Our group is researching the nitrogen-vacancy color centers in diamond, which can serve as building blocks for quantum information processing and for quantum sensing, for quantum simulation of many-body physics and quantum thermodynamics.

Specifically, we are currently building a super-resolution correlation microscope, to enable novel measurements of magnetic materials and devices, studying vdW magnets, dynamics of non-trivial excitations, and spintronic devices.
Selected Awards
2023 ERC CoG
2018 President’s Ben-Porath Prize, for research excellence for young faculty, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
2018 UK-Israel Lectureship, British Council, University College London, UK
2017 ERC StG
2017 Krill Prize, Wolf Foundation, Israel.
2016 – 2018 CIFAR-Azrieli Global Scholar Fellowship, Canada
2014 Minerva ARCHES award for Research Cooperation and High Excellence in Science (with Dr. Boris Naydenov), Germany
2012 Postdoctoral award for career development, Harvard University, USA
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