Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Arabic, English, Hebrew
Research Interests
I am a researcher whose background extends from urban and building climatology to historical research into building technologies. I have established and am heading the Big Data in Architectural Research Lab, which has the instrumental and computational infrastructure for collecting, processing, and analysing physical, spatial, visual, and semantic data. In my studies, I often take advantage of big digital datasets originating from a variety of sources, since I believe these datasets are essential for answering many of the pressing research questions pertaining to the built environment today.
Selected Awards
2023-2025 Israel Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology, Development of a novel method for calculating and high-resolution mapping of urban tree planting potential, PI, 499,040 NIS.
2022-2023 Israel Innovation Authority, Development of a Hebrew textual database on the built environment – construction, planning and architecture, PI, 439,600 NIS.
2022-2023 Yad Hanadiv Foundation, Development of a quantitative framework for evaluation and enhancement of urban shade and urban forestry, PI1 with Prof. David Pearlmutter (PI2), 210,000 NIS.
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