Weizmann Institute of Science
English, Hebrew
Research Interests
My group aims to elucidate the mechanisms by which tumors reprogram their local environments. Our goal is to provide a deeper understanding of how tumors develop into systemic malignancies, predict which tumors are more likely to do so, and design therapeutic strategies to overcome these malignancies by targeting genetically stable elements in the tumor microenvironment. Our main interest is fibroblast biology. In inflammation and cancer, fibroblasts are rewired to secrete and produce factors that promote fibrosis and cancer. We study these pathways using diverse models of cancer
Selected Awards
2022 Cell Stress Society International Young Investigator Award
2022 Weizmann Institute Scientific Council Prize for Life Sciences
2022 Recipient of an ERC consolidator grant (2022-2027)
2022 Elected EMBO Journal Catalysts program
2021 Elected to the Israel Young Academy
All rights reserved Postdoc Israel 2024
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