Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
English, French, Hebrew
Research Interests
•My laboratory has a wealth of expertise in the regulation of E. histolytica virulence and its adaptation to environmental stresses.
• We focus on understanding the role of epigenetic mechanisms and the gut microbiota in infection, with the aim of discovering new therapeutic approaches.
Selected Awards
2007 Moshe Shilo Prize – Israel Society for Microbiology
2007-2012 Excellent Lecturer , Medicine , Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa
2009 Alfred & Yehuda Weissman Award for excellence in teaching , Medicine ,
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa
2010 Listed in the book of the 100 best Israeli immigrant scientists published by the Israel Ministry of Immigrant Absorption
2024 Alfried Krupp Senior fellowship, Greifswald, Germany
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