Tel Aviv University
Research Interests
Resonantly enhancing light-matter interactions in new phases of matter.

Operating at regimes where new phenomena show themselves. Among them
• Optical excitation, interrogation, and cooling of mechanical- and capillary-resonances.
• Water-wave lasers.
• Nano-flying photonics that enables irreversible refractive index.
• Nano-mechanics and optical microcavities with plasmas, gasses, and liquids.
Selected Awards
• 1999, Eshkol Excellence Scholarship, Awarded to the top 25 Israeli graduate students country-wide in all sciences and engineering.
• 2004, Rothschild Fellowship, Awarded to the top 8 Israeli postdoctoral students country-wide in all sciences and engineering
• 2005, Center for the Physics of Information Postdoctoral Fellowship, Caltech.
• 2010, US Air Force Young Investigator Award. Given to the top 38 US young faculty in all science and engineering.
• 2020, Fellow of the Optical Society of America, For impacting optical-interaction sciences
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