Tel Aviv University
English, Hebrew
Research Interests
The goal of my research is to achieve a better understanding of the evolutionary selection forces shaping genes and genomes, and to develop in-silico methods for their inference. I strive to harness the dramatic increase in available genomic sequences and protein three-dimensional structures, with advanced evolutionary based models, for functional genomics predictions. Novel bioinformatics methods based on advanced evolutionary models, statistical tools, and structural-based methods are developed in my lab to enable maximal extraction of information from these raw data.
Selected Awards
1995 Wolf Prize for M.Sc. Students.
2006 The Krill award (Wolf Foundation)
2012 The Hestrin Prize (ISBMB).
2015 The PNAS Cozzarelli Prize (National Academy of Science, USA)
2015 A teaching award from the Rector of Tel-Aviv University.
2020- The Edouard Seroussi Chair for Protein Nanobiotechnology.
2020 Nature Research Award for Mentoring in Science (mid-career)
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