Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Arabic, English, Hebrew
Research Interests
We investigate the implication of oxidative stress and free radicals production from epileptogenic phase through the establishment of epilepsy in experimental models. Our lab seeks to develop antioxidant therapies by elucidating several modulatory targets including genes and proteins towards the development of therapeutic treatment for refractory epilepsy. We employs a multidisciplinary experimental approaches including molecular biology, gene therapy, live cell imaging, electrocorticography (ECoG) seizure monitoring in animal models, and in vivo live imaging in freely behaving animals.
Selected Awards
Maof Fellowship Grant, Council for Higher Education, Israel.
The David R. Bloom Center for Pharmacy.
Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Personal Research Grant, Grant No. [ISF_1976_2020].
Israel Science Foundation (ISF), New-Faculty Equipment Grant, Grant No. [ISF_2762_2020].
The Prusiner-Abramsky Research Awards in Basic Neuroscience.
U.S. Department of Defense, Grant No. [EP210060].
Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology, Israel.
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