Hebrew University of Jerusalem
English, Hebrew
Research Interests
I am a computational biologist, with strong background in machine learning, genomics, epigenetics, statistics, and gene regulation.
My group focuses on DNA methylation data to characterize the rich variety of cell types in the human body, study gene regulation, and develops computational tools for deconvolution of complex samples, characterize allele-specific methylation, and study aging.
We are located in Givat-Ram, and are affiliated with the School of Computer Science and Engineering, and with the Faculty of Medicine, at the Hebrew University.
Selected Awards
2023 – EU Horizon: PANCAID – multi-omics ML for early detection of pancreatic cancer
2023 – ISF Precision Medicine – Point-of-care multi-modal cfDNA profiling
2022 – Israel Innovation Auth – LiquidBx – multi-omics diagnosis of human diseases from blood
2019 – Kaye Innovation Award awarded to PhD student Josh Moss
2016 – Bergmann Memorial Research Award
2009 – GE & Science Prize for Young Life Scientists
2008 – EMBO long-term post-doctoral fellowship
2007 – Distinguished Graduate Student prize, The Hebrew University
2006 – Barenholz Prize for Applied Research
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