Tel Aviv University
English, Hebrew
Research Interests
We study risk factors for and time trends in various vascular diseases across different populations and settings to improve public health and train future leaders in epidemiologic research.
Selected Awards
The Environment and Health Fund; Years: 2009-12 ($200,000). Chronic Exposure to Air Pollution and Long-Term Outcomes after First Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Population-Based Cohort Study.
Chief Scientist Office, Ministry of Health; Years: 2017-20 ($150,000). A Prospective Study of Dietary Patterns in Relation to Healthy Aging: A 10-year Follow-Up of MABAT ZAHAV.
Israel Science Foundation: Years: 2021-25 ($200,000). Exploring Differential Vulnerability to Various Environmental Hazards: The Case of Individuals with Coronary Heart Disease.
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